Personality Test

Refined Workplace Personality Profiling Using MindFrames.

Designed especially for the middle to senior management hierarchy, MindFrames is a personality test with a difference…not only does it give you valuable insight into 10 personality factors, it also gives you information about how these impact an individual’s performance on the job.

Our Test has an inbuilt lie indicator in the form of a verification scale which tells us how truthfully the individual has answered the test items.

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The test also gives you a multi-dimensional view of the candidate, by telling you more about her or his:

  1. Work Orientation Profile
  2. Locus of Control Profile
  3. Coping Profile
  4. Trust Profile
  5. Dynamic Leadership Profile
  • Recruitment of middle to senior managers in critical roles
  • Promotion of employees to higher managerial levels
  • Talent Management
  • Behavioural Profiling of Future Leaders

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